During 2005 – 2007 Paul digitised and re-mastered all the existing recordings of the original Bolton Iron Maiden, had permission from the (new) Iron Maiden and Rod Smallwood, to produce and sell the album that was called “Maiden Flight“ (Perfect Pitch Records CD1). All profits from the album are donated to Cancer Research and McMillian Nurses Cancer Care
The album is now being followed up by an album of cover versions the Bolton Iron Maiden used to play called “Boulton Flies Again” (released 23rd June 2007 on Perfect Pitch Records CD2). Again all profits will be going to the Charities mentioned above.
After the unexpected success of the Bolton Iron Maiden CD’s Maiden Flight and Bolutlon Flies Again.
Mainly thaks to the efforts of CD Baby and iTunes - Paul is now currently producing a CD and digital download versions of “Totally Swept Away” -(formerly know as Hearts Of Oak) Due for release in 2009 (after taken a mere 24 year to complete it!) provided we can get a really good producer (we have our dream guy – “TV” – pending said Mr.Visconti agreeing) but you can imagine he’s a busy man – and we wont know till early 2009 –
Next on the production line is under the working title of “Puppet Master” – Â a semi autobiographical story.
Please check out the Catalouge page – in the Samples tab above. Terry Vials first drafts of the CD covers are also on there
Live Work
This will be as and when circumstances allow – Rachael now has 5 year old George and new baby Ronnie James, and Victoria has now sucessfully won her honours degree studying English and Drama at Cambridge Ruskin College. We hope however to inclue some recorded works of the girls after their acclaimed work on the Maiden Flight album. Keep an eye on the News page for gigs.
This will be as and when circumstances allow – Rachael now has 5 year old George and new baby Ronnie James, and Victoria has now sucessfully won her honours degree studying English and Drama at Cambridge Ruskin College. We hope however to inclue some recorded works of the girls after their acclaimed work on the Maiden Flight album. Keep an eye on the News page for gigs.
As a new work is completed, we will add it to the CD page so you can get a taste of the music for yourself.
Last Updated (April 17, 2024)